Sound Experience

Sound experiences have been proven to help alleviate pain, improve circulation, reduce stress, + enhance your immune system. Not to mention they're incredibly relaxing, fun, + a total sensory experience. Discover the transformative power of sound + vibration to promote a feeling of deep restoration.

Sound Experience

Discover the transformative power of sound + vibration to promote a feeling of deep restoration. Immerse into this full-body, listening experience.

What to Expect:

Awakening Sound Experience

Wake up with the healing power of sound + deep listening techniques. Disconnect from the always-on mind + be guided back towards innerconnectivity.

What to Expect:

Candlelit Sound Experience

Relax at your deepest level during this immersive, candlelit, full-body listening experience.

What to Expect:
+ 1-hour evening immersive sound experience
+ Gu...

Gong Sound Experience

Embark on a transformative journey combining the healing power of sound with the meditative effects of the traditional gong, releasing stress + connecting you with your inner se...


Immerse yourself in the invigorating power of sound + experience its rejuvenating benefits.

What to Expect:
+ 30-minute gentle + impactful, active listening sound ...