All Access Packages

All Access Packages

Sage + Sound

All Access: Wellness, Your Way

Building a wellness practice isn’t about perfection—it’s about showing up for yourself in a way that feels right, whether that’s once a month, once a week, or every day. With Sage + Sound’s All Access packages, you have the flexibility to create a routine that honors your unique journey while encouraging the healthy habit of consistency.

Why All Access?

When we nurture new practices over time, something magical happens. Our minds adapt (hello, neuroplasticity!), our bodies respond, + a sense of balance begins to take hold. Sage + Sound is here to help you cultivate that rhythm, offering a range of classes designed to keep you engaged and coming back.

From mindfulness to movement, each class is an opportunity to deepen your connection to yourself while reaping the benefits of regular practice.

Package Options:

NEW 20-Pack (January Exclusive)

+ Price: $715
+ Savings: $385
+ Expires: 4 months from purchase

Our best value yet designed for those ready to make a serious commitment to their wellness practice.


+ Price: $395
+ Savings: $155
+ Expires: 3 months from purchase


+ Price: $210
+ Savings: $65
+ Expires: 2 months from purchase

Important Note: All Access packages are exclusively for classes and cannot be redeemed for workshops, trainings, or any other service at Sage + Sound. 

Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

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